Diese Seite auf Deutsch  Research Group Computer Science II  Dept. of Computer Science RWTH

Functional Programming

(V4 + Ü2, WS 2002/2003)

LuFG Informatik II
Type Times/RoomStartInstructor
Lecture (4)Wed 10:00 - 11:30 AH IIOct 16Prof. Dr. Jürgen Giesl
 Fri 10:00 - 11:30 AH IIOct 18 
Exercise (2)Thu 14:00 - 15:30 AH IIOct 24 Prof. Dr. Jürgen Giesl, René Thiemann


The course gives an introduction to functional programming using the language Haskell. Moreover, we will discuss models for the semantics and the implementation of functional languages. This also includes techniques for type checking and type inference as well as methods for the optimization of functional programs.


The course is given in English.


Here is a short overview on the correspondence of the material in the lecture to material in the books mentioned above. However, the material is not identical to the one in the books.

Course Notes

The course notes for the lecture are now available. They can be obtained from the secretary for copying.


Theoretical Computer Science, Area of Specialization


To get a certificate for this course (Übungsschein) you must reach at least 50 % of the points on the exercise sheets and pass a test at the end of the course. We recommend the acquisition of this certificate, since this is a good opportunity to prepare for the diploma or master examination.

The test will be in the weeks 24.-28.2.03 and 8.-11.4.03. If you want to participate and have reached the necessary 50 %, just send an email with the week in that you want to make the test to René Thiemann.


In the course, we use the functional programming language Haskell. Information on Haskell as well as (free) interpreters and compilers can be found on the Haskell home page www.haskell.org. To learn Haskell, we recommend the Haskell interpreter Hugs.


Here are the transparencies used in the lecture.


Here are the proofs omitted in the lecture.

Functional Programming in Companies

Here are the transparencies of the talk on the use of Dylan at sd&m by Oliver Juwig (Feb 12, 2003) pdf, pdf.gz

Last modified: Fri Feb 28 10:53:02 CET 2003 / Research Group Computer Science II
RWTH Aachen