Diese Seite auf Deutsch  Research Group Computer Science 2  Dept. of Computer Science RWTH

Seminar: Verification Techniques

(S2, SS 2007)

LuFG Informatik II


Prof. Dr. Jürgen Giesl, René Thiemann, Carsten Fuhs, Peter Schneider-Kamp, Stephan Swiderski


Several techniques and methods for program verification will be presented in this seminar.


The seminar will take place on two days at the end of the lecture period (July 2007). The first preliminary meeting will be at the beginning of the lecture period (April 2007).


Participants should have knowledge in program verification or related areas (for example "term rewriting", "logic programming", "functional programming", or "mechanized program verification").


The books and papers to be discussed in the seminar will be announced at the preliminary meeting.


Theoretical Computer Science, Area of Specialization

Disclaimer  Research Group Computer Science 2  Dept. of Computer Science RWTH