Diese Seite auf Deutsch  Research Group Computer Science 2  Dept. of Computer Science RWTH

Seminar: Verification Techniques

(S2, WS 2014/15)

LuFG Informatik 2


Prof. Dr. Jürgen Giesl, Cornelius Aschermann, Florian Frohn, Jera Hensel, Thomas Ströder


Several techniques and methods for program verification will be presented in this seminar.


The seminar will take place at the end of the lecture period. Precise dates will be determined via a doodle poll and then announced. Before the block seminar itself we have the following deadlines


Your seminar paper should have 10 pages and be written in either English or German. Do not provide an index or table of contents, but attach a list of references. More than 5 spelling or grammar mistakes on a single page will lead to an immediate rejection of your paper, so please use an automated spell checker!


Participants should have knowledge in program verification or related areas (for example "functional programming", "logic programming", "term rewriting", etc.).


19.209:00-09:454201bSafety by InterpolationT. StröderSpinrath, Christopher
19.209:45-10:304201bHeap Representation with Separation LogicC. AschermannKehler, Thibaud
19.210:30-11:154201bAbstract Regular Tree Model CheckingF. FrohnJanson, Tom
19.211:15-12:004201bForest Automata for Verification of Heap ManipulationF. FrohnLekane Nimpa, Junior
19.213:30-14:154201bLiquid TypesC. AschermannBeaumont, Michael
19.214:15-15:004201bFinding Hard Bugs in C with Bounded Model CheckingC. AschermannAnwer, Meshkatul
20.209:00-09:454201bDeciding Bitvector Arithmetic with AbstractionJ. HenselKrueger, Andreas
20.209:45-10:304201bTermination Analysis using Bitvector ArithmeticJ. HenselHenn, Thomas
20.210:30-11:154201bProving Termination of Imperative Programs Using MAX-SMTJ. GieslKaroff, Johannes
20.213:30-14:154201b Termination Analysis for Concurrent ProgramsJ. GieslStrothmann, Thies Yannik
20.214:15-15:004201b Complexity Analysis for Integer ProgramsJ. GieslKielmann, Sabrina


Theoretical Computer Science, Area of Specialization

Further Details and Questions

For further details please contact Cornelius Aschermann.

Disclaimer  Research Group Computer Science 2  Dept. of Computer Science RWTH