This document describes some problems and (partial) solutions
when migrating from the LISTSERV mailing list manager to
the Mailman mailing list manager.
This document does NOT give general information on how to set
up either LISTSERV or Mailman maling lists please go
the Mailman home page
for information on the latter and to
the L-Soft home page
for the former.
There is a pretty good mapping of ListServ to Mailman options
on the
MIT Mailman page.
Look especially for
the keyword mapping
a comparison of list options.
It should not be hard to write a small script to convert the
most common options. If you do, please send me a copy.
If have written a small Python script
which tries to get a subscriber list from the LISTSERV index files.
I have written a small Python script
which tries to convert VM mailbox format (which is used by
LISTSERV) into mbox format (which is used by Mailman).
Assume your LISTSERV archives are in
your Mailman is installed in
/usr/local/mailman, and
and you want to migrate the list
mylist. Then the
following bash script should accomplish this:
cat $LSA_HOME/$LISTNAME/$LISTNAME.log* > /tmp/$LISTNAME.vmb /tmp/$LISTNAME.vmb > /tmp/$LISTNAME.mbox
$MM_HOME/bin/arch --wipe $LISTNAME
Note that you need to create the mailing list first.
Note also, that with the current script threads are not properly recovered.
Note furtheron that using
--wipe will clean out the
archive contents of the given list. If you just want to add the
old archives leave it out.
The VM mailbox format is a concatenation of mails which
are prefixed by a single line consisting of 73 equal signs (
The mbox format is a concatenation of raw mails. It is important
(at least for Mailman's bin/arch import) that the mails start
with a line like
From name@host.domain Fri Jun 19 19:47:52 2004".
There are no problems using LISTSERV and Mailman in parallel
as long as your alias file (typically
is administrated by hand.
If you are aware of better solutions for some of the problems
above or you spotted some mistake, I will be very glad to
hear from you. Just send a mail to <psk at>.
Finally, I would like to thank the mailman community for great
(though somewhat scattered) documentation and prompt and helpful
email support. Special thanks go to Brad Knowles.