[Termination tools] Conclusions termination competition

Johannes Waldmann waldmann at imn.htwk-leipzig.de
Thu Jun 17 15:35:06 CEST 2004

Dear Hans,

thank you for the discussion notes.
(Claude, do we have an archive of this mailing list?)

Let me add a clarification:

> * For all participating tools the executable should be freely available.

more specifically: "... under the organizers' control"

i. e. the exec. files should be on the competition web site.
of course in addition there would normally be links to tool home pages,
but I definitely suggest a central, independent archive.
(previous tool versions should be kept there as well,
for historical reference)

then, there were some suggestions (without conclusion, so far):

* define a notation for relative termination problems.
   obvious   suggestion: use "->=" as in TORPA.

   the semantics (what is relative termination) might be tricky
   in connection with annotations (strategies, conditions)
   but for standard rewriting it should be OK?

* for the next competition, do *not* use those problems
   that had been solved by *all* tools of the previous competition

* encourage problem submission: there should be a "competition"
   for the smallest problem not solvable by any one tool
   (where "size" = total number of symbols or similar)

best regards,
-- Johannes Waldmann,  Tel/Fax: (0341) 3076 6479 / 6480 --
------ http://www.imn.htwk-leipzig.de/~waldmann/ ---------

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