[Termination tools] SRS syntax

Claude Marche Claude.Marche at lri.fr
Wed Mar 10 16:26:39 CET 2004

>>>>> "Johannes" == Johannes Waldmann <waldmann at imn.htwk-leipzig.de> writes:

    Johannes> what about:
    Johannes>   ( RULES "aabb" -> "bbbaaa" "c" -> "" )

    Johannes> advantages:
    Johannes> * follows TRS syntax, needs no delimiters (+)
    Johannes> * need no special provision for empty string

    Johannes> disadvantage:
    Johannes> * restricted to "one-letter letters"

    Johannes> (+) implicit delimiting is rather a design flaw of the TRS syntax :-)

As I said before, I need more than one-letter symbols, like q1 q2, or
a1, a2, so my preference remains 

 ( RULES a a b b -> b b b a a a, c -> )

I will add soon a yacc parser for these in tpdb/tools. This quite easy
to do indeed.

| Claude Marché           | mailto:Claude.Marche at lri.fr |
| LRI - Bât. 490          | http://www.lri.fr/~marche/  |
| Université de Paris-Sud | phoneto: +33 1 69 15 64 85  |
| F-91405 ORSAY Cedex     | faxto: +33 1 69 15 65 86    |

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