[Termination tools] simple question

H. Zantema hzantema at win.tue.nl
Mon Apr 11 17:41:33 CEST 2005

On Mon, 11 Apr 2005, Claude Marche wrote:

> Just a naive question : is the system z086 terminating ?
> a a -> c b ,
> b b -> c a ,
> c c -> b a )

I don't know.

May be a good example to mention in the RTA presentation: despite of
the obvious big effort put in all of the tools there are still very 
small and regular systems for which the answer is open...

		Best regards, Hans Zantema.

|                                      |                             |
|   Dr Hans Zantema                    |   Hoofdgebouw   kamer 6.73  |
|   Faculteit Wiskunde en Informatica  |   tel (040)2472749          |
|   Technische Universiteit Eindhoven  |   fax (040)2468508          |
|   Postbus 513     5600 MB Eindhoven  |   e-mail  H.Zantema at tue.nl  |
|   The Netherlands                    |   www.win.tue.nl/~hzantema  |
|                                      |                             |

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