[Termination tools] Competition 2005 is over !

Johannes Waldmann waldmann at imn.htwk-leipzig.de
Thu Apr 14 11:02:02 CEST 2005

Claude and Hans, thanks for preparing the database
and running the competition. Congratulations to the winners,
and much respect to the new participants.

> 3) I find the 1 minute timeout a bit to low. I would like to suggest,
>    for the next competition, a larger one, say 5 minutes. 

Are you sure? Matchbox's TRS timeouts alone would increase the running 
time by a factor of nearly five ... I don't think it would have found 
more proofs (but perhaps it would have found more loops :-)

 > 5) How could we enhance the tpdb ? Are there volunteers to work on it

try to attract more problems, not necessarily from tool authors.
Perhaps include an informal "call for problems" in the RTA presentation,
and on some appropriate web site/mailing list.

To make problem submission easier, there could be a collective
online interface to the tools, so if someone comes up with a problem, 
all tools (that took part in the most recent competition) could be run 
on it, and if it's solved by, say, at most one of them, then it could be 
kept for later inclusion in the TPDB. (Something like that.)
I think my students and I could do this.

Best regards,
-- Johannes Waldmann -- Tel/Fax (0341) 3076 6479/80 --
---- http://www.imn.htwk-leipzig.de/~waldmann/ -------

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