[Termination tools] announcement termination competition

Claude Marche Claude.Marche at lri.fr
Tue Feb 8 17:57:37 CET 2005

>>>>> "Salvador" == Salvador Lucas <slucas at dsic.upv.es> writes:

    Salvador> Dear Claude and Hans,
    Salvador> H. Zantema wrote:

    >> Claude Marche and me are preparing the termination competition for 
    >> 2005. Below you may find our proposal for the announcement.
    Salvador> Thanks for taking the burden again. The previous competitions were very
    Salvador> nice and useful!

    >> Comments
    >> on this proposal can be sent to me until February 16, after which the
    >> announcement will be distributed widely over the community.
    Salvador> I would like to participate this year with
    Salvador> MU-TERM. Thus, as done in 2004,

Great !

    Salvador> could you also add the Context-Sensitive Rewriting category?

For sure.

    Salvador> Best regards,

    Salvador> Salvador.

| Claude Marché           | mailto:Claude.Marche at lri.fr |
| LRI - Bât. 490          | http://www.lri.fr/~marche/  |
| Université de Paris-Sud | phoneto: +33 1 69 15 64 85  |
| F-91405 ORSAY Cedex     | faxto: +33 1 69 15 65 86    |

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