functional programs, was: Re: [Termtools] Next competition

Johannes Waldmann waldmann at
Thu Mar 16 12:47:24 CET 2006

Peter Schneider-Kamp wrote:

> The terms could be given inside the program as comments
> (prefixed with "-- ") or supplied as arguments to the runme
> executables.

I'd prefer to have them in the program, as annotations.

Sadly enough, Haskell has no flexible annotation syntax
so we have to live with pragmas or comments.

But then let's have some special symbol, e. g. "-- terminates:"
*but* this would make multi-line  queries inconvenient,
so I suggest a block pragma {-# TERMINATES: foo x y #-}

I am a bit worried about variables in such expressions:
I would feel much better to declare them.
{-# TERMINATES: forall  x :: [Integer] , y :: Bool . foo x y #-}

I am totally against the convention "every undeclared identifier
is considered an all-quantified variable" because it breaks all too easy
(imagine you add some declaration for a constant "x" to the program).

It should be OK to have several such TERMINATES annotations
in one program.

Best regards,
-- Johannes Waldmann -- Tel/Fax (0341) 3076 6479/80 --
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