[Termtools] Termination Portal

Zantema, H. h.zantema at TUE.nl
Wed Jul 25 13:40:34 CEST 2007

I fully agree with Johannes: please go ahead, but please use a web
address not containing the name of any of the tools. 

            Best regards, Hans Zantema.

Dr Hans Zantema            
Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, Department of Computer Science 
P.O. Box 513, 5600 MB Eindhoven, The Netherlands 
e-mail: H.Zantema at tue.nl, homepage: www.win.tue.nl/~hzantema
office: Hoofdgebouw room 6.73, tel: (040)2472749

-----Original Message-----
From: termtools-bounces at lists.lri.fr
[mailto:termtools-bounces at lists.lri.fr] On Behalf Of Johannes Waldmann
Sent: woensdag 25 juli 2007 11:36
To: Peter Schneider-Kamp
Cc: termtools
Subject: Re: [Termtools] Termination Portal

> http://aprove.informatik.rwth-aachen.de/termination/

technically I agree but please try to avoid the "aprove." prefix
(replace it by something that's not tool-specific). Best regards,
-- Johannes Waldmann -- Tel/Fax (0341) 3076 6479/80 --
---- http://www.imn.htwk-leipzig.de/~waldmann/ -------

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