[Termtools] Upcoming competition - discussion during NancyWorkshop

Koprowski, A. A.Koprowski at tue.nl
Mon May 14 15:04:06 CEST 2007

>> What if a prover produce directly a checkable proof ?
 Ok, but what if not? If it outputs a directly checkable proof then it's
not a problem as it just outputs the same thing in the final generation

>> I don't see the point in reading a proof before generating. What if a
>> we think that it is interesting to have an intermediate language for
>> "termination certificates" that any termination prover could output,
>> and from which any termination proof certifier (eg. rainbow) could
>> generate a full formal proof in some safe proof checker/assistant
>> (coq, isabelle/hol, etc.)
> I understand what is such a language and what can be obtained from it,
> btw you know we are designing one.  Still I see no point in making a
> rule of it.
 A point of making such a rule is that we don't want to force
termination provers to output a Coq script but instead a proof in this
language, which then is translated by an appropriate mechanism (like
Rainbow) to a final Coq proof.

>> we also took advantage of this meeting to discuss some aspects of the
>> termination competition.
> These aspects should be discussed on the relevant list, let's thank
> Johannes for posting them.
> > then, this is no problem for you: your checkme command has nothing
> > do! :-)
> Thus such a rule is useless, I see you agree. :-)
 It may be useless for tools that want to output formal proof (Cime?)
but it's definitely useful for tools that want to output proofs in the
intermediate format.

   Best wishes,

 Adam Koprowski, (A.Koprowski at tue.nl, http://www.win.tue.nl/~akoprows)
 Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
 Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e)
 The difference between impossible and possible lies in determination
      Tommy Lasorda 

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