[Termtools] outermost competition

Carsten Otto otto at informatik.rwth-aachen.de
Thu Dec 18 13:10:50 CET 2008

On Thu, Dec 18, 2008 at 12:17:46PM +0100, Simon Bailey wrote:
> watch the progress here:
> http://colo5-c703.uibk.ac.at:8080/termcomp/competition/competitionResults.seam?category=46564&competitionId=48084

The version of AProVE taking part in this competition misses a crucial file
in the provided archive, we simply forgot to add it. As a result the majority
of expected YES/NO answers cannot be given.

This file is a stripped down version of minisat2, called minisat2core.
Apart from this missing file (and its directory bin/) the uploaded version
is complete.

If it is possible, please consider re-running AProVE with the file
minisat2core added to the zip file (in the bin/ directory which also does
not exist):

(It would also be OK to add minisat2core to $PATH on the competition

I can also provide an updated version of the original zip file.

Carsten Otto           otto at informatik.rwth-aachen.de
LuFG Informatik 2      http://verify.rwth-aachen.de/otto/
RWTH Aachen            phone: +49 241 80-21241
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