[Termtools] Examples contextsensitive

Salvador Lucas slucas at dsic.upv.es
Mon Nov 3 15:28:41 CET 2008

Dear Joerg,

joerg at endrullis.de escribió:
> arising from the translation of outermost rewriting to context sensitive
> rewriting I have a collection of 17 contextsensitive TRSs. They should be
> attached, in case attachments work on this mailing list. In case
> attachments do not work, you can download the examples from:
>   http://infinity.few.vu.nl/productivity/contextSensitive.zip
> I am not sure whether or not to include this examples in the current
> competition and want to put this question to the participants of the
> context sensitive rewriting category.

I find interesting to have such new examples, indeed. Thanks for
sending them!

Best regards,


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