[Termtools] competition outermost

René Thiemann rene.thiemann at uibk.ac.at
Mon Nov 17 09:58:38 CET 2008

Am 17.11.2008 um 07:39 schrieb joerg at endrullis.de:

> Zantema, H. wrote:
>> I have put some important information on the outermost wiki: we  
>> should
>> decide on the definition of outermost (ground or open).
> I tend to open terms, how is it done with the category "innermost"?

At least AProVEs disproofs for innermost-termination require to  
consider open terms, and there have been no complaints so far.  
However, I am not sure whether this decision of "open" is formally  
stated somewhere.


PS: I already indicated on the Wiki-page that I would be in favor of  
"open" for outermost, too.
René Thiemann                    mailto:rene.thiemann at uibk.ac.at
Computational Logic Group        http://cl-informatik.uibk.ac.at/~thiemann/
Institute of Computer Science    phone: +43 512 507-6434
University of Innsbruck

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