[Termtools] Participation & Open Source

Johannes Waldmann waldmann at imn.htwk-leipzig.de
Thu Apr 16 13:47:24 CEST 2009

Dear Jürgen,

thanks for contributing to the report. - You write:

> In particular, we should also try our best to encourage
> tools from other areas (e.g., imperative, logic, and functional
> programming) to participate in the competition as well.

I think we all agree on this.

> This is also an important reason why we should not demand
> that participating tools are open-source.

Well, that's an old point of disagreement.
The arguments seem to be:

Pro open source:
- makes it easier to enter the subject area
 (start by modifying some open source tool)
- closed source = not science (but black magic)

Contra open source:
- might put off "industrial" tools
 (written under some closed-source contract)

It seems the SAT community can live with open-source.

I am not proposing to change anything at the moment.
There are more immediate problems,
like restructuring of execution/competition platform,
bylaws for the competition/the steering committee, etc.

I'd like to remind all that the first day of  WST09
will be reserved for "purely technical" discussions
related to (e.g.) the points just mentioned.

I tried to get some outside expertise for this discussion,
and I'm happy to announce  Morgan Deters
( http://www.cs.wustl.edu/~mdeters/ , now in Barcelona )
as a keynote speaker (on WST09, June 3) on:

The SMT* Platform: Design, Implementation, and Experience

This talk will overview the annual Satisfiability Modulo Theories (SMT)
competition, the SMT execution service, and the SMT benchmark library,
including a discussion of their intended purposes, how their (ongoing)
design meets these goals, and lessons learned along the way.

(WST registration will open soon)

Best regards, Johannes.

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