[Termtools] standard references for termination provers

Johannes Waldmann waldmann at imn.htwk-leipzig.de
Wed May 13 17:44:04 CEST 2009

Dear Tool + Library Authors,

could you please add to your "tools" data on the termination wiki
a bibtex record (or a reference to its DBLP entry)
that others should use when referring to your tool.
(So, it should be *one* *real* publication:
not just some URL, and not a long list of all of your papers)

While we're at it - what is the preferred way
of referring to TPDB? I introduced this wiki page recently
but is there a publication (in the above sense)?

Looking at the wiki - if you have suggestions for improving
the data and navigation there, then by all means say so.
For checking the status, this is helpful:

Thanks - Johannes.

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