[Termtools] Call for Complexity Related Problems

georg georg.moser at uibk.ac.at
Tue Jun 22 15:59:16 CEST 2010

Dear All,

to improve  the complexity related  part of the competition,  we would
like to extend the number of *complexity related* problems in the TPDB.

Thus we  kindly ask you to submit  to us *many* new  examples that are
interesting  from   the  viewpoint  of   derivational  and/or  runtime
complexity analysis.

To make  things easy for  you, either send  us the TRSs in  plain text
format, or  in XML  format. For the  latter please observe  the schema
given in http://dev.aspsimon.org/xtc.xsd.  However, it is important to
emphasise  whether the problem  is interesting  from the  viewpoint of
*derivational*  or   *runtime*  complexity  analysis.   Moreover  some
comments on the expected behaviour of the problem would be nice.

We hope that by collecting  suitable problems first and then submitting
them  in one  go to  the TPDB,  we ease  the burden  of  submitting new

The idea is to replace the  existing family TCT_09 by two new families
DC and RC, collecting examples for derivational complexity and runtime
complexity, respectively.

Of course adding problems to the TPDB requires SC approval.

best wishes,

M. Avanzini, G. Moser, A. Schnabl

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