[Termtools] termcomp/starexec testing

Johannes Waldmann johannes.waldmann at htwk-leipzig.de
Wed Jul 2 21:40:01 CEST 2014

Dear all,

we have a prototype of the presentation platform here:

and I am also starting "bulk" test runs (random subsets of tpdb)
but this is far from finished (I said "prototype")
in particular it feels very slow at times - we do a lot of caching
behind the scenes but sometimes are waiting for starexec,
especially for unfinished jobs.

So, we are lagging behind somewhat in testing,
and therefore I think we should extend the submission deadline:
I will accept updated solver/config pairs until, say,
after the weekend (that is, Monday July 7).

The idea is that all participants should have a chance
to look at results of test runs (their own, and their competitors').

Best regards, Johannes.

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