[Termtools] Memory problems
Hensel, Jera
hensel at informatik.rwth-aachen.de
Thu Mar 21 18:26:31 CET 2019
Dear all,
in previous competitions, there have already been such problems with runsolver, which lead to memouts although we were sure that AProVE did not exceed the memory limits. Johannes Waldmann suspected runsolver to be the problem and when we switched to benchexec, the problems were gone. Now that runsolver is used again, the memouts are back.
Moreover, there are many timeouts where it should probably be „StarExec error“. Last year, these instances were run again until a result was given. Since for AProVE, the version of 2018 is used (we did not hand in a new version), the results should be as in 2018.
Did someone encounter similar problems or has an idea what we can do about it?
Best regards,
> Am 21.03.2019 um 16:51 schrieb Akihisa Yamada <akihisayamada at nii.ac.jp>:
> Dear all,
> it seems we lost some memory by switching back to runsolver. Does someone know how much memory we get?
> If you find any other technical problems, please post to termtools and let anyone help.
> Best regards,
> Akihisa
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