[Termtools] TermComp2020 is running

Yamada, Akihisa ayamada at trs.cm.is.nagoya-u.ac.jp
Tue Jun 23 11:55:57 CEST 2020

Dear all participants,

I hope you understand how tedious and error-prone to run the 
competition. To ease the upcoming final run (and future competitions), I 
made such a file:


Please, each participant, insert/ensure a line
		"Tool" => 1234,
in the 'parts' component of the category you participate, where Tool is 
replaced by a short name of your tool and 1234 by the configuration id. 
Then make "pull request".

I've never used "pull request" before, so experience reports are welcome 
(on list).

Best regards,

On 2020/06/23 5:20, Johannes Waldmann wrote:
> thanks, Akihisa, for doing the work here!
>> participation in debugging!
> SRS_Relative/Waldmann_19 random problems are missing?
> (they were used last year).
> I think I have them here
> https://gitlab.imn.htwk-leipzig.de/waldmann/tpdb/
> Same for SRS_Standard/Waldmann_19 ?
> Matchbox's proofs in SRS-Relative are wrong,
> as they use the SRS-Standard method
> (with inapplicable RFC matchbounds, DP transform)
> (I already told Akihisa - probably the configuration Id was mistyped,
> this is just in case others were wondering)
> Also, I am currently not printing proofs, is this a problem?
> https://gitlab.imn.htwk-leipzig.de/waldmann/pure-matchbox/-/issues/264
> Best regards, Johannes.
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