[Termtools] starexec introduces noise, results in ERROR
Johannes Waldmann
johannes.waldmann at htwk-leipzig.de
Tue Jun 23 12:07:28 CEST 2020
> In case the 'rm' instructions are part of muTerm's start script,
They are not?
There is one "rm" but it's in the end,
and for a different file, and for just one.
The "job log" has the following. The offending messages are visible.
I think that would not happen if it'd be stdout/err
produced by the tool.
06/23/20 02:54:34 AM CDT: Running runsolver.
06/23/20 02:56:56 AM CDT: Runsolver finished.
06/23/20 02:56:56 AM CDT: recording header of job pair output
rm: cannot remove ‘/tmp/muTerm5117023052084420925.in.dec’: No such file
or directory
rm: cannot remove ‘/tmp/muTerm5117023052084420925.in.form’: No such file
or directory
- J
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