[Termination tools] Competition started

Claude Marche Claude.Marche at lri.fr
Wed May 26 11:34:15 CEST 2004

>>>>> "H" == H Zantema <hzantema at win.tue.nl> writes:

    H> On Wed, 26 May 2004, Claude Marche wrote:
    >> Dear all,
    >> The WST'2004 competition has started. You may find the current results
    >> at
    >> http://www.lri.fr/~marche/wst2004-competition/webform.cgi
    >> Number of TRS pbs: 680
    >> Number of SRS pbs: 104
    >> Number of LP pbs : 190
    >> The LP category is run first, then SRS, then TRS.
    >> I set the time limit to 1 minute. May be you will find this too small,
    >> sorry about that, but I need to be sure that the competition will
    >> terminate (!) in reasonable time.

    H> Great! Exciting to see it running!

I hear you shouting from here...

    H> I asked you to change the name TORPA1.2 into either TORPA or TORPA1.3,
    H> since TORPA1.2 is the version from a few months ago that runs worse 
    H> than the new version. Can this be repaired in a final version?

Sorry, I think it is really torpa 1.3 that is running, this is only
the name that i forgot to change in my database.

    H> It is a pity that in the SRS category a few examples occur twice:
    H> qualif-a3b3 is the same as zantema-z1, and qualif-syr is the same as
    H> SRS-syracuse. Moreover the last 6 examples that I submitted are not
    H> included, by which the zantema-list consists of exactly 100 SRSs.
    H> Anyhow, these are only a few examples. It is not expected that they will
    H> strongly influence the overall result. 

This is a general problem of the TPDB...

| Claude Marché           | mailto:Claude.Marche at lri.fr |
| LRI - Bât. 490          | http://www.lri.fr/~marche/  |
| Université de Paris-Sud | phoneto: +33 1 69 15 64 85  |
| F-91405 ORSAY Cedex     | faxto: +33 1 69 15 65 86    |

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