[Termtools] disqualifications

Zantema, H. h.zantema at TUE.nl
Mon Jun 19 11:41:17 CEST 2006

-----Original Message-----
From: termtools-bounces at lists.lri.fr
[mailto:termtools-bounces at lists.lri.fr] On Behalf Of Claude Marche
Sent: maandag 19 juni 2006 10:16
To: termtools at lri.fr
Subject: Re: [Termtools] disqualifications

> About the disqualification rules : although the rules do not say that
a wrong proof is a reason for disqualification, I think it should be
the case. For the next competition, I propose it is.

I agree, but it is hard to give objective criteria for a "wrong proof",
as the pure formal meaning of "wrong" may be too strict. And who decides
that a proof is wrong? 

For the present situation it is clear I think. Cime is disqualified by
the rule we already have. For MU-Term a serious error has been found in
the heart of termination detection: the analysis of the dependency
graph, causing not only wrong proofs, but also a YES answer on an
obviously non-terminating modification of one of the systems in TPDB. At
least, after I asked Salvador to apply his tool on the non-terminating
(VAR x y )
f(x,a(b(y))) -> f(a(a(b(b(x)))),y)
f(a(x),y) -> f(x,a(y))
f(b(x),y) -> f(x,b(y))
he replied that MU-Term was wrong.

So I think this is sufficient reason for disqualifying MU-Term in the
subcategory of standard rewriting. Since most proofs of MU-Term also use
dependency graph analysis, I think the same should hold for the
context-sensitive subcategory. Apart from these formalities it remains
interesting to know whether after repairing this error the same score is
achieved for this subcategory or not.

            Best regards, Hans Zantema.

Dr Hans Zantema            
Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, Department of Computer Science 
P.O. Box 513, 5600 MB Eindhoven, The Netherlands 
e-mail: H.Zantema at tue.nl, homepage: www.win.tue.nl/~hzantema
office: Hoofdgebouw room 6.73, tel: (040)2472749

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