[Termtools] Dates for Workshop on Termination 2009 (Leipzig)

Johannes Waldmann waldmann at imn.htwk-leipzig.de
Tue Sep 4 08:47:36 CEST 2007

At WST07 in Paris we decided to have the next Workshop on
Termination in two year's time (2009) in Leipzig.
Local organizers will be Alfons Geser and me.
The venue is http://www.leipziger-medienstiftung.de/mediencampus/

We need information on what the preferred dates for WST09 would be.
If possible, it could be made to fit with other conferences in our field
(no overlap, but adjacency). We did provisionally reserve two time slots
June 2 to 7 and July 6 to 11 (we won't need the full range).
We should like to book the venue quite soon
(there is a University anniversary in 2009 as well
so other bookings might start to conflict).

So please send us information that might influence the decision
on the WST09 timing. - Best regards,
-- Johannes Waldmann -- Tel/Fax (0341) 3076 6479/80 --
---- http://www.imn.htwk-leipzig.de/~waldmann/ -------

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