[Termtools] subscription requests for gmail.com

Claude Marché Claude.Marche at inria.fr
Mon Dec 8 09:09:22 CET 2008

Dear all,

Recently, I had to manage subscription requests coming from the 
gmail.com domain, for which I have no means to check whether these are 
regular requests. For info, pending requests are from

jianqili at gmail.com
mcen.sam at gmail.com

In the future, I will just discards those requests. If you want your 
students to register, please tell them to use their institution address, 
and possibly send me a mail to present themselves, if they have no web 
page or whatever, since I'm unable to decide whether they are really 
working on termination techniques.


- Claude

Claude Marché                          | tel: +33 1 72 92 59 69
INRIA Saclay - Île-de-France           | mobile: +33 6 33 14 57 93
Parc Orsay Université                  | fax: +33 1 74 85 42 29
4, rue Jacques Monod - Bâtiment N      | http://www.lri.fr/~marche/
F-91893 ORSAY Cedex                    |

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