[Termtools] Outermost competition details

Jörg Endrullis joerg at endrullis.de
Wed Dec 17 12:41:46 CET 2008


thanks a lot!

I am very sorry, but I have just killed the competition webserver.
The problem is almost certainly with the runme script of Jambox,
it contains a line:
  killall -q java &> /dev/null;
and I guess this line has killed tomcat.

I have this line in the script because Jambox suffers from "ghost
processes", that is, some processes that keep running both after
successful termination as well as when the program is killed by timeout.
(this is because Jambox starts fresh Java processes, minisat,...)
If these processes would not be killed, they would take a significant
amout of CPU from the other competitors.

Maybe this is already taken care of by the competition running software?
Alternatively maybe we could include the killall commands into the
competition management software, as a kind of cleanup after a tool has
been run.

Another, unrelated question: is there a possibility to do test runs on
self-defined sets. I would like to test around 20 examples to know
whether Jambox runs fine on the competition server.

Kind regards and again sorry for the trouble,

Simon Bailey wrote:
> Dear all,
> On Dec 9, 2008, at 1:16 PM, Aart Middeldorp wrote:
>>> When exactly will the outermost competition be run?
>> The outermost competition will run next Thursday. Details
>> will be announced tomorrow.
> The outermost competition will start on 18/12/2008 @ 12:01 (1 minute
> after midday). Submission deadline for all participating tools will be
> 18/12/2008 @ 11:01 (morning, 1 hour before the competition starts).
> The problem set will be the set of examples already in the tpdb combined
> with the sets supplied by hans, rené and jörg. all examples will be
> added to the tpdb and made available for download tomorrow morning.
> The scoring output will be the same as in all other TRS categories (i.e.
> sum of YES/NO/MAYBE/TIMEOUT will be displayed).
> regards,
> sb
> -- 
> Simon Bailey
> Systems Administrator
> Institut fuer Informatik
> Universitaet Innsbruck
> Technikerstrasse 21a/2
> A-6020 Innsbruck
> Tel: +43 (0) 512 507 - 6433
> Mob: +43 (0) 664 812 5267
> Fax: +43 (0) 512 507 - 2887
> http://informatik.uibk.ac.at/

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