[Termtools] SRS-standard

Johannes Waldmann waldmann at imn.htwk-leipzig.de
Sat Nov 8 11:37:06 CET 2008

Dear all,

SRS-standard is finished, with TTT2 getting
slightly more YES than Aprove, and Jambox about half
(this may be related to TTT2 and Aprove using arctic matrices).

For non-termination, nonloop has twice the NOs of TTT2,
and TTT2 has twice the NOs of Aprove. (And nonloop solved
SRS/Zantema/z073, which was the whole point of the exercise.)
Did TTT2 use the "SAT for loop-detection" idea this time?

Currently, SRS-standard-certifying is underway,
with some strange things happening ...

Best regards, Johannes.

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