[Termtools] SRS-standard-certifying

Johannes Waldmann waldmann at imn.htwk-leipzig.de
Sat Nov 8 14:33:22 CET 2008

Dear Olivier,

> The proofs we generate are correct
> but they prove the termination of a wrong trs.

I see. - This is exactly the point of
and this incident now underlines its urgency.

> We would like cime3 to be disqualified *for the SRS-standard-certifying
> category ONLY*.

So far, we don't have formalized  the process of
"disqualifiacation" (by the committee) or "retraction" (by the team).

I take it that you want Cime3 to be marked "inactive" for this category,
so that its output column should vanish from the results table.

(Simon, just theoretically: could you do this during competition?
Would it have the desired effect?)

(Committe: I suggest we allow that a team retracts a submission during 
I think that's standard courtesy towards the tool authors, and if I 
recall correctly,
it's been done that way last year. - Discussion? Vote?)

Best regards, Johannes.

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