[Termtools] LP category

ManhThang Nguyen manhthang.nguyen at cs.kuleuven.be
Wed Nov 12 12:01:15 CET 2008

Peter Schneider-Kamp wrote:
> Dear all,
> the LP category has finished and, as expected, it has been
> a close call. In between, Polytool was 5 examples ahead of
> AProVE, which in the end solved 8 more.
Congratulation to AProVE, which shows to be the best LP termination tool until now.

I have some comments on LP category that you might already mention on the Termination Portal.

- Since most practical works on termination analysis of LP (logic programming) focus on pure logic programming, 
most LP-termination tools are designed to handle pure logic programs. Therefore, adding examples with built-in
predicates, or non-logical operators such as cut, var/1, ... could generate some problems of handling them.

- Different implementations of LP have different interpretations
for built-in predicates, or non-logical operators. Therefore, when we use examples with those operators, we should also specify what kind of Prolog we use for the category.

As Peter already suggested, i think a good way is to have two categories for logic programs, one for pure one and another for a specific Prolog.

Best Regards,

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