[Termtools] [color] CoLoR CVS

frederic.blanqui at inria.fr frederic.blanqui at inria.fr
Mon Oct 6 11:47:24 CEST 2008

Dear Johannes, I did not remember this deadline when I did my commits. The 
current CVS version of CoLoR does NOT compile with Coq 8.1pl3 anymore. It will 
be necessary to use Coq 8.2 or some SVN version of it if Coq 8.2 is not 
released by November 9th yet.

The Rainbow format will certainly change to include more termination 
techniques. But it should be compatible with the previous version.

I propose to Simon to install Coq SVN, CoLoR CVS and Rainbow CVS to check that 
every thing compiles.


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