[Termtools] [color] CoLoR CVS

Johannes Waldmann waldmann at imn.htwk-leipzig.de
Mon Oct 6 08:23:54 CEST 2008

Dear Frederic -

thanks for working on CoLoR.

We need to decide what version of CoLoR
will be used for the upcoming competition runs
(according to the schedule that was discussed at RTA08,
prover submission should be open soon,
with a deadline of November 9th).

Since CoLoR will be used only via Rainbow,
and the Rainbow format did not change (?),
there should not be any problem upgrading?

Still, Innsbruck (= Simon) will have to install the new
Coq/CoLoR(/Rainbow) versions,
and perhaps they have different priorities.
In fact, getting *any* version of certified termination
up and running (for testing) should be at a very high priority now.

Best regards, Johannes.

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