[Termtools] competition dec 09 started

Frederic Blanqui frederic.blanqui at inria.fr
Thu Jan 21 03:39:52 CET 2010

Frederic Blanqui a écrit :
> Aart Middeldorp a écrit :
>> On 01/18/2010 07:56 AM, Frederic Blanqui wrote:
>>> The competition started one month ago and does not seem to be finished
>>> yet!... It is not even clear whether the certified competition already
>>> started. Could the organizers of the competition give some information 
>>> about
>>> what is happening and when we can expect to have the results?
>> Indeed, it took quite a bit longer than anticipated, but the results are
>> now available:
>> http://termcomp.uibk.ac.at/termcomp/competition/categoryList.seam?competitionId=101722 
>> Despite the misleading percentages, the certified categories are complete.
>> Here is an preview of what will happen in the next few days:
>> - (a corrected version of) TCT will be rerun in the complexity categories
>> - the correct version of CeTA will be rerun in the certified categories
>> - Jambox will be rerun (with a corrected runme script) in the outermost
>>   category
>> - the same holds for COSTA in the Java bytecode categories
> Thank you Aart.
> But could you explain why these tools need to be rerun?
> In particular, for TCT and CeTA, why are there new corrected version? Do 
> you mean that the submitted versions were buggy?

And are the results currently displayed on the website not correct?

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