[Termtools] competition dec 09 started

Frederic Blanqui frederic.blanqui at inria.fr
Thu Jan 21 01:58:19 CET 2010

Aart Middeldorp a écrit :
> On 01/18/2010 07:56 AM, Frederic Blanqui wrote:
>> The competition started one month ago and does not seem to be finished
>> yet!... It is not even clear whether the certified competition already
>> started. Could the organizers of the competition give some information 
>> about
>> what is happening and when we can expect to have the results?
> Indeed, it took quite a bit longer than anticipated, but the results are
> now available:
> http://termcomp.uibk.ac.at/termcomp/competition/categoryList.seam?competitionId=101722 
> Despite the misleading percentages, the certified categories are complete.
> Here is an preview of what will happen in the next few days:
> - (a corrected version of) TCT will be rerun in the complexity categories
> - the correct version of CeTA will be rerun in the certified categories
> - Jambox will be rerun (with a corrected runme script) in the outermost
>   category
> - the same holds for COSTA in the Java bytecode categories

Thank you Aart.

But could you explain why these tools need to be rerun?

In particular, for TCT and CeTA, why are there new corrected version? Do 
you mean that the submitted versions were buggy?


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