[Termtools] suggestion: complete run

slucas at dsic.upv.es slucas at dsic.upv.es
Fri Nov 25 17:06:09 CET 2011

Dear all,

I also support Johannes' suggestion.

Best regards,


Quoting René Thiemann <rene.thiemann at uibk.ac.at>:

> Dear all,
>> I suggest that a complete run
>> (all provers (as submitted for last competition), all problems)
>> be executed on the competition platform
>> (assuming some idle time can be found).
> I'm also in favor of such a run, and organizing such a run should
> not be any problem. For the tools, I would favor the fixed versions
> of last years competition (if there is any difference to the
> original submitted version).
> Since such a run will take some time, I propose as starting date Dec 6.
> This date will leave enough time to prepare for the rerun and collect some
> missing tool-fixes, but it is early enough for the upcoming paper season.
> So if the community wants to have a full run, Simon and I will start one.
> Best regards,
> René
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