[Termtools] Termination Competition 2014 - NOW RUNNING

Johannes Waldmann johannes.waldmann at htwk-leipzig.de
Sat Jul 19 16:34:01 CEST 2014

Dear all,

the Termination Competition 2014 was started a few minutes ago.
Results will be displayed live at:


With the raw power of Star-Exec at our disposal,
we will be running all solvers on all benchmarks,
with 5 minutes wallclock timeout.

What we are seeing now, is the result of a lot of work
by a lot of people: foremost, the authors of the participating
solvers, and the authors of benchmarks.

On the technical side, I'd like to thank especially
* Stefan von der Krone, HTWK Leipzig
  - programming the presentation platform
* Aaron Stump, U Iowa
  - running and extending the star-exec execution platform
* Rene Thiemann, U Innsbruck
  - providing the CeTA validator
  - collecting the TPDB 9 benchmark set

I hope everything will be running smoothly.
(As did the several tests during the week.)

Best regards, Johannes Waldmann, HTWK Leipzig.

( General information on the competition:
http://www.termination-portal.org/wiki/Termination_Competition_2014 )

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