[Termtools] TermComp 2018 results

Cynthia Kop C.Kop at cs.ru.nl
Sun Jul 15 16:36:06 CEST 2018

Hello Akihisa,

First of all: thank you for all your effort in running the competition! 
It sounds like many hours of StarExec-wrangling, and it is amazing that 
you are willing to take it on. :)

Second... I'm afraid I'm going to add your problems (even if it's only 
another bugreport to forward to the StarExec team): there still seem to 
be some problems with this final result. At least in the higher-order 
category at for 
benchmark Mixed_HO_10/counterex1.xml 
Wanda is now listed as giving MAYBE when before it was a red box, but 
the answer that I would expect for this example is NO (as that is the 
answer I immediately get when running Wanda locally). Looking at the 
data from StarExec, 
https://www.starexec.org/starexec/secure/details/pair.jsp?id=381734242 , 
the output is shown as "not available" -- unlike the timeout cases, such 
as (I think) 
https://www.starexec.org/starexec/secure/details/pair.jsp?id=381734333 , 
where the output at least shows that the tool was started.


P.S. Do we want to get away from StarExec? It may be possible to get a 
group of students to spend some time developing a new competition 
platform or adapting the pre-StarExec one.

On 07/15/2018 01:36 PM, Akihisa Yamada wrote:
> Dear all,
> now this page shows the TermComp final result, including demonstration 
> runs.
> http://group-mmm.org/termination/competitions/Y2018/
> About run script errors: It has been detected and reported in advance 
> to the StarExec team, but apparently they couldn't fix in time. We'll 
> not have it next year.
> About complexity category issue: I'm sorry for not detecting this on 
> test runs... In short, StarExec produces invalid CSV files for jobs 
> that were run after last October if output contain commas (like 
> "WORST_CASE(1,?)").
> The StarExec team proposed I manually fix CSV files (great idea!) but 
> star-exec-presenter's dynamism doesn't allow it in a reasonable 
> effort. So the above you see is a simple and static interface I've 
> just implemented.
> Best regards,
> Akihisa
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