[Termtools] Termination and Complexity Competition 2019: Call for Participation

Akihisa Yamada akihisayamada at nii.ac.jp
Tue Mar 12 12:42:23 CET 2019

Dear all,

StarExec is suffering from a problem, cf. 

In order to run a test job, you will need to go to "advanced options" 
and set "benchmarking framework" to "runsolver". Then result will be 
MAYBE, but you can manually check "output" in job details.

It seems I will have to do something with "post-processor" to make 
"result" work...

Best regards,

On 2019/03/04 13:42, Akihisa Yamada wrote:
> Dear all,
> the tool/problem submission deadline for TermComp2019 is coming in two 
> weeks (March 16, AoE). Registration process is the same as the last 
> year; you can just say "same as last year" or follow the instruction below.
> This year, we reserve weeks for resolving issues expected from various 
> layers. So you don't have to be super careful before submission, but I 
> might forward you in case of a problem.
> Best regards,
> Akihisa
> ---- Submission Instruction ----
> 0. If you haven't yet, acquire an account at https://www.starexec.org as 
> soon as possible. (It will take some time to get used to it.)
> 1. Upload your "solver", cf. 
> https://www.starexec.org/starexec/secure/help.jsp?ref=/starexec/secure/add/solver.help. 
> You can either
>    - be lucky enough to build on starexec, or
>    - build with *static linking* on a Linux machine.
>    The target machine spec can be found at: 
> https://www.starexec.org/starexec/public/machine-specs.txt
> 2. Give AkihisaYamada read access to the "space" where your solver is in.
> 3. Inform me of
>    - your "personal space" id
>    - the space id where your solver is in
>    - the solver id
>    - "configuration" id per category which you will participate
> ----
> On 2019/02/01 17:46, Juergen Giesl wrote:
>> *Termination and Complexity Competition 2019*
>> http://www.termination-portal.org/wiki/Termination_Competition_2019
>> *Call for Participation*
>> Since the beginning of the millennium, many research groups developed 
>> tools for fully automated termination and complexity analysis.
>> After a tool demonstration at the 2003 Termination Workshop in 
>> Valencia, the community decided to start an annual termination 
>> competition to spur the development of tools and termination techniques.
>> The termination and complexity competition focuses on automated 
>> termination and complexity analysis for all kinds of programming 
>> paradigms, including categories for term rewriting, imperative 
>> programming, logic programming, and functional programming. In all 
>> categories, we also welcome the participation of tools providing 
>> certifiable proofs. The goal of the termination and complexity 
>> competition is to demonstrate the power of the leading tools in each 
>> of these areas.
>> The competition will be part of TOOLympics 2019 
>> (https://tacas.info/toolympics.php), an event on April 6-7, 2019 to 
>> celebrate the achievements of various competitions in the field of 
>> Program Analysis or Verification. The TOOLympics event will take place 
>> in connection with the International Conference on Tools and 
>> Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems (TACAS 2019 
>> <https://conf.researchr.org/track/etaps-2019/tacas-2019-papers>) in 
>> Prague (Czech Republic).The competition will be run on the StarExec 
>> platform (http://www.starexec.org/) shortly before the TACAS 
>> conference and the TOOLympics event.
>> We strongly encourage all developers of termination and complexity 
>> analysis tools to participate in the competition. We also welcome the 
>> submission of termination and complexity problems, especially problems 
>> that come from applications.
>> A category is only run in the competition if there are at least 2 
>> participants and at least 40 examples for this category in the 
>> underlying termination problem data base. If there is no category that 
>> is convenient for your tool, you can contact the organizers, since 
>> other categories can be considered as well if enough participants are 
>> guaranteed.
>> For further information, we refer to the website of the 
>> termination and complexity competition: 
>> http://www.termination-portal.org/wiki/Termination_Competition_2019
>> <http://www.termination-portal.org/wiki/Termination_and_Complexity_Competition_2016> 
>> _Important dates_
>>   * Tool and Problem Submission: March 15, 2019
>>   * Communication of Initial Results: March 22, 2019
>>   * Finalization of Results: March 31, 2019
>>   * Presentation: April 7, 2019
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