[Termtools] TODAY: Input for TermComp Presentation

Yamada, Akihisa ayamada at trs.cm.is.nagoya-u.ac.jp
Thu Jul 2 13:38:38 CEST 2020

And as the TPDB organizer...

- Larry Paulson submitted a tiny problem to TRS Standard, no tool could 

- Luca Di Stefano submitted seven C programs, no tool could handle.

- Marcel submitted ITS Complexity (but only run as a demo)


On 2020/07/02 19:15, Yamada, Akihisa wrote:
>>>   * Is there anything new to report about your tool (or about any other
>>>     tool)?
> I've forgot about my tool:
> - NaTT joined Certified categories since WPO is certifiable now, as you 
> all know now :)
> Best,
> Akihisa
>> pull-requests after the first run:
>> - iRankFinder: bugfix for the conflict
>> - matchbox: correction to my typo
>> - NTI: self-detected bugfix
>> - MnM, 1st: self-detected bugfix
>> - TcT: BenchExec patch
>> - Ultimate: I thought it's just renaming, obviously not.
>> - MnM, 2nd: Reconfiguration for BenchExec
>> - AProVE: correction to Demo registrations
>> Best,
>> Akihisa
>>> Since I have to prepare and submit my slides tomorrow, I need all 
>>> your input TODAY. So please send me anything that could be of 
>>> interest to the "outside" world...
>>> Best Regards
>>> Juergen
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