[Termination tools] Competition 2005 is over !

Johannes Waldmann waldmann at imn.htwk-leipzig.de
Thu Apr 14 16:02:57 CEST 2005

Salvador Lucas wrote:

> I would like to suggest adding a new category (or categories)
> involving real (rule-based) programming languages like Maude,
> Elan, or Haskell...

I'm all for Haskell ... Could the other tools please prove
that Matchbox is terminating :-) (but obviously it is not)

> Even though only simple programs could be
> managed (possibly after some transformations), 

The tools should operate on the transformed systems
or on the original programs? I think "original" is better but...

writing a Haskell parser that "just" produces the AST
and then removes syntactical sugar is quite a feat
(it's the front end of a compiler, really)

but even "core" Haskell is far from standard rewriting:
I think you need types (sorts), higher oder rewriting
and evaluation strategies (because of laziness).

(Perhaps we should continue Haskell specific discussion separately.
Who else would be interested - be it competition or joint effort?)
-- Johannes Waldmann -- Tel/Fax (0341) 3076 6479/80 --
---- http://www.imn.htwk-leipzig.de/~waldmann/ -------

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